November 10, 2010

scared !

takut !
13 hari sahaja lagi nak SPM ni

rasa macam entah pape je persediaan .

conversation with my father ;

abah : abey , cik saba cakap contoh la . kalau abey nak pergi Mesir nak amik medic . boleh je guna duit sendiri dulu . lepas tu guna result first exam kat sana untuk apply biasiswa from MARA etc .

me : I'm more on Germany .

abah : contoh je . kalau Germany Engineering and Technology la kan .

me : that is what I ever wanted .

on the same night . masa dinner .

abah : abey . . . .

me : ye ?

abah : abey pergi Indonesia ye . ambil Pharmacist .

me : erkk ? ?

what should I do ?
what should I say ?

my brother-in-law , first sister , second sister suruh ambil kulinari .
my mother suruh ambil nurse .
my father suruh ambil pharmacist .

ada mereka tanya saya nak apa ?

abey nak amik Chemical Engineering la !

haritu dah plan properly dah .
I will take the kulinari .
lepas dapat kerja , I will further in Chemical Engineering .
but , what should I do .
pening aku !

entah la Farah ooi !
SPM dahulu !

toodles !
wish me all the best and best of luck for my SPM 2010 !

dedicated this picture to all the SPM 2010 candidates out there .
AND , to my lil brother , Muhammad Ariff . ;)
thanks for those words . heee~ ;D


jae said...

farah, buat yang terbaik. fight for japan, eh oh? hehe.. whatever,,
semoga Allah memberi kamu kemudahan :)

Farah Zoey said...

taknak ikut kak jid !
farah nak gi germany . hehehe
insya-Allah . fight for the best !
thanks akak ! ;)