February 13, 2012

when its time to live and let die and you can't get another try

GD : Do you know what's worth fighting for?
ME : Yes
GD : When it's not worth dying for?
ME : Yes
GD : Does it take your breath away?
ME : Yes
GD : And you feel yourself suffocating?
ME : Yes
GD : Does the pain weigh out the pride?
ME : Yes
GD : And you look for a place to hide?
ME : Yes
GD : Did someone break your heart inside?
ME : Yes
GD : You're in ruins
ME : =="

tengok tajuk pun macam ape je kan ?
hailoh~ sorry lahh ! lately ni aku macam ada something missing dalam diri aku .
aku pun tak pasti apa yang bermain dalam kepala aku . benda tu macam undefined .
ke memang macam tu ehh perasaan nak habis sem dah ??

entahla . mixed feeling dah aku ni . =="

beberapa minggu lepas something happened dalam hidup aku .
seriously aku depressed dengan benda tu *mak aku tahu ni mampos lahh! =__=*

aku sampai terfikir apa dosa aku sampai Allah nak uji aku macam tu ?
sekali lagi aku terfikir "nothing happens without a reason"
aku macam nak salahkan takdir , and aku lupa , Allah uji kita sebab Dia sayang kita lahhh !
Dia pun takkan uji kalau kita tak mampu nak hadapi semua tu tau !

kau ni belajar je sekolah agama , spirit kau as a muslim mana ?
kepercayaan kepada Qada' and Qadar tu kau dah lupa ke ?

jangan give up berjuang lahh Farah . walau apa sekalipun orang buat dekat engkau REMEMBER Allah tu ada . Dia sayangkan hamba-hamba-Nya .


Sarah Sylph said...

be strong as usual! :D

Farah Zoey said...

insya-Allah dear , I will ;)

cikwie said...

we got many question.. and also many awnser ... be KUAT! *anyws i just jalan2 rasa macam kenal anda :)

Farah Zoey said...

thanks Shukri . really appreciate it xDD
saya pun macam jenal anda. ahahaha~ xDD