November 30, 2008
saya mahu bfdy..
adoi la!!..
kali ini aku terfikir akan bfdyku..adess..ade pulak..mcm2 btol
sebab ape aku boleh terfikir?
tadi aku tengok myspace kawan aku..
dy lahir 21.12.1993..
huhu..tiba2 teringat dkt che wan..dy pon 21.12.1993 gk..
huhu..ade dipanggilnye aku nie akak dy..adoi la..padahal aku tua xsmpai 24jam pon drpd dy..sakit btol la..hehe..ade2 je kawan2 aku nie..
aish..nk dekat bfdy nie aku nk pegi jln2 pulak..huhu..
pelik2 btol..
aku ada satu request utk akhir tahun n kalau boleh sebelom bfdy..
aku nk mndi air ujan!!
tp keadaan kesihatanku tidak mengizinkan..
ala,bukan ape pon..
parut campak yang dah betol2 nk baik nie..
kalau mndi kang tak baik pulak..
sape yang tanggung?..akak jugak < pinjam ayt syahir jp.hehe
harap2 tercapai la..
bila bfdy nie secara langsung drpd pancaran siaran minda teringat dekat result PMR yang da semakin dekat..adoi laa!!
cmnela result aku tu ye..aku dah usaha..aku dah tawaqal..aku dah bagi the best of me..cewah..kan da kua lagu sum 41 tu..hehe..
kawan aku ckp(nie mybe mak dy yg ckp kot..mak org yg penting gk kt skolah)
tahun nie Bhs Arab kt skolah sume lulus..xtau la btol ke harap2 betol la..aminn..
kalau berita nie betol 2 perkara la yang jd bes
1) confirm result aku lulus la..lgpon aku dah jwb sume kan..
2)pecah rekod la kiteorg maknanya..
insya-Allah target cikgu2 akan tercapai ye..cikgu kan nak sekurang2nye 120 orang 9A kan..
insya-Allah kami akan bagi..moga2 penat lelah cikgu2 akan terbayar dengan prestasi kami..
moga2 kami tidak akan menghampakan cikgu2 ye..aminn~~..
raya haji pon da dekat..
tahun lepas raya haji jatuh masa bfdyku..huhu..
fst time betol2 sngt happy masa raya haji..
sebelom tu suka jugak..
tp biasa2 jela..
bes ini..
bulan 12 pon ramai bfdy nie..
jap2..nk try list
5 dec - bfdy adik kwnku,hariz
7 dec - atok busyuk yg cute..hehe..sory cucumu kata busuk..hehe
10 dec - faiz
15 dec - jiena
20 dec - bfdyku
21 dec - che wan n ariff
22 dec - kak ya
25 dec - kakak gee
26 dec - ashi
27 dec - syikin
28 dec - mak sarah..hehe << tarikh result dijangka keluar tu..harap2 kitaorg 9A la insya-Allah
31 dec - aiman
ramai btol la..adess!!
adess!!..sudah meleret ini.. skarang dah 2.37 a.m
da xtau nk buat ape..
aku xleh tdu sbb lepas isyak td aku dah ketiduran sebab pening kepala..
seharian arini dkt kenduri sepupu..
betis sudah lenguh..wish my dad pijak lol..besnye..fuuh..
tp xsempat nk bgth.. aku bg tdo dy da tdo dess..
oke la..nk berhenti la taip menaip..
November 28, 2008
seem like my eyes dosn't want to sleep..
wahai mata yang cantik lagi berseri-seri dan comel (puji manusia..nak suh dy tdo lol..)
lelaplah dikau..ku amat memohon pertolonganmu..aku dh ngantok knape kau xnk tutop2 lg nie..aku letih tau..dh pening kepala nie sbb xcukup tdo sejak cuti nie..aish..
urmm...mehlah aku nk tulis apa yg dah aku buat seminggu nie..
day = aku on9 , tgk katun , masak nasi goreng sbb lapar , tgk tv lg , dgr mp3
night = tgk Kyle XY , berangan , on9 lagi till 3.41 a.m
day = pg beli nasi lemak sbb malas nk masak , on9 n on9 n on9 , tgk Olivia
night = on9 , on9 n on9..again!
day = menyapu rumah n lipat kain , pstu nenek dtg umah petang tu..
night = rumah dkt bhgian dapur masuk air..gotong-royong mlm2 buta aritu..haha..bes gk..on9 lagi n on9 lagi...malam tu bergayut telefon drpd 1.00 a.m until 5.40 a.m..gila lol!!..
day = lps smayang subuh baru tdo n bgn pkul 10.41 a.m..fuuh..on9 lagi,on9 lagi..ptg tgk Olivia episod akhir..
night = I keep tossing and rawk my window!!..aka on9 lagi..haha..tdo pkul 3.00 a.m
day = lps smayang subuh tdo balik..bagun lewat!!!!..pukul berape eek..tu pon terjaga sbb Sarah telefon..adoi la..
night = on9 n on9 n on9..xsempat nk tgk cite Puaka Nyiang Rapik..chatting dgn ramai org arini..knape entah..ezati,razi,eesam,akil,syakir f1,syakir aiman,alan n many more..
hari ramah tamah sedunia ke ape nih..pstu msg dgn syahir..huuh..mcm2
patotnye kedit clcm expired date dy 25.11 baru td boley guna lg nih..hehe..bes btol!!..pstu dpt pulak msg free..huhu..bes2..xabes2 pulak tu..pdhl dy ckp dpt 15 msg aje..hihihi
ada 3 coincident berlaku dgn syahir arini..huhu..
1) no. 8pax
2) psl expired kedit tu
3) msg free yg xabes2..bes btol!!..
aish...aku buat mnde yg sama aku ade jnji dgn diri aku nk susun cara lain bilik xbuat lagi..cmne nih..
mnggu dpn ingt nk turun KL..ingt nk pg beli mcm2!!..
sume akak da nk hulur duit aje dy nih bunyi..hehe
bosan dess!!..tiap2 hari aku byk buat mnde yg sama aje
msg dgn syahir,najmi,ajwad kq ain..patot la abes kedit..smpai ameer n k.ya anta msg pon xde reply balik..haha..
tdo kalau sejuk..bes!!
mandi lelame..
masak2..bosan dess..
thats why I love school-ing
not holiday-ing
hari sekolah..ada org ramai..suke2..aku kan suka perhatikan org..sesape yg baca nie lps nie beware ye!!..intai2 cket kot2 aku perhatikan korang ke..hahaha
cuti skolah..uhuk3..bosan gle!..terperap dlm umah,xde manusia2 dkt sekeliling,duduk sengsorang aje tiap2 hari kt umah kecuali jumaat , sabtu n public holiday
such a bored holiday..freaky-weaky btol!!
November 26, 2008
26th November 2008
1.00 a.m until 5.40 a.m
cipta rekod lg kte ye..
hehehe.. in ur blog.. u said 4 hours and 40 minutes..
cakap entah pape aje..
pelik2 je kte nie kan..hahaha
November 25, 2008
buka la buletin fuad..mmg setuju sngt2..cmni bunyinye..
amboi2.. memang sedap betul bercakap, berhimpun sokong ISA. memang la senang.. mak bapak korang tak pernah kena ISA. suami korang tak pernah kena ISA. anak beranak korang tak pernah kena ISA.
aku baca buletin nie aku teringat dkt pak sdare aku..dia pernah dimasukkan dlm ISA nie..masa tu dlm tahun 2002 or 2003 cmtu..anak dy masa tu baru 4 bulan..bygkan lah..mmg sedih tgk keluarga diaorg..mujurlah mk sdare aku nie org yg bekerja dgn kerajaan..dyorg suka sngt kalau boleh pg lawat ayah dyorg dkt perak..
mula2 dulu kalau pg melawat boleh jugak peluk2..mcm dlm bilik cmtu..
pstu last2 mmg sdare aku tu duduk dlm jail dy..ank2 jumpe dkt luar..main suap2 ayah dy daripada jaring aje..kesian dyorg..budak2..xtau pape pon..
pk sdare aku nie nak angkat senapang pon xlarat..sebab tulang dkt tgn dy patah..dimasukkan besi..tiba2 dtg dkt rumah selongkar2 rumah..tngkp pk sdare aku nie..bengong btol Alhamdullilah tahun 2006 kalau xclap dy kelua..
November 24, 2008
pelik rasanya..
kali nie datang drpd dik syakir pulak..huhuhu
1) abg muhammad
2) bact
3) teefah
4) faiz
5) sarah
6) syahir
7) syauqi
8) fakhrur
9) Izzati
10) syamim
Who is no.2 having relationship with?
erk..dengan kuman2 kot..yang pasti bukan dengan sabun dettol!
Is no.3 a female or amale?
If no.7 and no.10 be together, would it be a good thing?
hurmmmm..kawan yang baik..hehehe (",)
How about no.5 and 8?
xserasi kot.sebab...sorang jenis minat rock sngt..sorang jenis yang xmana..better with me..hahha..perasan btol
Where is number 1 studying?
SMK Bukit Baru, x nie?..btol dah kan?
When was the last time you have chat with them?
bila2 masa sahaja..
Is number 4 a single?
erk..soalan ini lagi..xmo jawab!!
Talk something about no. 2?
urm..bact..farah nk ckp ape eek..hurmm..seorang bacteria yang takut akan sabun DETTOL atau lebih tepat lagi sabun anti-bacteria..sbb katanya..awas!!..kami merebak!..hehehe
ku ingin mengetag..
1. cik latifah <<>
November 19, 2008
reunion 6M SKTAM'05 tahun 08
dari kiri wan zul,aiman,aiman ariff,iskandar,mukmin,hanif..atas tu pulak zack!
dari atas kiri : abidah,cikgu latifah,cikgu asma,bella,sheeda.
bawah : farahin,farah,fathia.syamimi..
gossiping tyme!!..
amir.aiman dan hanafi..
fathia dan diriku!..besfren skolah rendah!
erk..muka kitaorang pelik sesngt!!
aiman dan najma..hahaha..gmba nie jadi hitam sebelah,putih sebelah..entah knape entah..aiman marah gila masa tgk!..naseb diriku xkena kejar keliling rumah zack!
zack yang sedang mengenang akan cintanya!
najma yang kebosananan..
nie minah jiwang..hahaha
urm..lama dah nak post nie..tapi asyik tertangguh je..huhuhu..hari sabtu baru-baru nie kiteorang budak2 6 Mariam'05 buat reunion..tahun nie awal pulak best sesngt!!
ada la beberapa orang yang xdatang
Ami : xde transport
Sofie : demam panas!
Nizar : sakit mata kedua-dua belah katanya!
Mamat : pegi mana entah
Farhana : entah la
Afiqah : pon sama
and many more..hehehe
best sngt2 reunion agak bosan la..aku siap msg dgn syahir lagi sebab bosan..tatau nak cakap ade da..sebab aku sorang je skolah Tok Jiring..huhuhu..masa menjarakkan kita..manusia berubah!
November 18, 2008
I'm buzzed with bunkface!!!
this article had been copied at JUNK
The four Malaysians, who look younger than their age of 18 to 21 years old, started jamming together in school and later came together as a band. Take a listen to Bunkface and it’s clear where their influences lie. “We were all into punk and liked bands like Sum 41 and Green Day,” Sam confesses. The name Bunkface itself is taken from a song from Sum 41 titled ‘Crazy Amanda Bunkface’. After a period of considering names like Endless, Wicked Freak and Total Damage, they came to a consensus following Biak’s suggestion of Bunkface.
Bunkface’s first foray into public domain saw them participating in Blast Off!, Astro’s battle of the bands competition. While they didn’t win, they continued to play at gigs and friends’ parties every chance they had in order to make a name for themselves. So far their brand of alternative punk rock has been making the rounds on local radio stations like Fly FM, and the band is as eager as ever to play at gigs to help promote their EP. It’s no easy feat as the release of their EP was a DIY project–Lesson Of The Season is self-released and only took one month to complete. “Yeah, we were quick on finishing this EP. We recorded it in 21:05 Studio, which is owned by JD of Pop Shuvit. Working with him was really great,” Sam says. More surprising is the fact that all members learnt to play their musical instruments by themselves.
Sam writes the lyrics and melody of all of Bunkface’s songs, and then tells his bandmates that the song should sound a certain way. Each member then works on it and comes up with a mix that everyone likes and agrees on. Is it really that simple and easy as they make it sound? Apparently, yes. After all, the most important thing about a band is the chemistry between all members. In Bunkface’s case, Sam might be the most vocal but it’s evident that the members have a rapport that only four guys who share a large chunk of their lives together can have, bonding through their love for music and their ultimate muse: girls.
Asking them what their favourite song is, they reply in unison that it’s ‘SillyLily’. “Lily is a special friend of the band,” Sam reveals. “No, she’s Sam’s special friend,” Biak interjects. The band roars in laughter, each cheekily teasing the other over a crush on that special girl. Bunkface has a music video to accompany the song and it captures the band’s spirit of fun with its comical animations.
The band are currently in the middle of recording their second EP. Determined to release it by 2009, they have already released two singles on their MySpace–a Malay song titled ‘Situasi’, which has received over 45,000 plays on MySpace, and ‘Bunk Anthem’, a song with such catchy lyrics that you feel an irresistible urge to sing along. But why not release an album? “An album is a big step, and we feel with EPs you can still split your songs up and give fans a little taste of the band,” explains Sam. “We’ll release our second EP, make a boom, and when the time is right release an album that will hit platinum on the sales charts.”
Grand plans for young boys. After three years of being together, Bunkface have grown up and so have their musical influences–their fave bands now include Fall Out Boy and Panic at the Disco. However, they insist that they prefer listening to Malaysian bands, and list One Buck Short, Meet Uncle Hussain, Pop Shuvit, Hujan and Bittersweet as their top picks.
In many ways, the boys of Bunkface are still young and it shows in their interview. The three other members are shy in giving their opinions and leave most of the speaking to Sam. At times, they fumble to find the correct words. But it’s this naiveté’ that works to their advantage as it gives them a sunny outlook on life and on the local music scene–which in turn, reflects on their music. There’s no stopping Bunkface as they continue to churn out simple and catchy pop punk nuggets that they’re so fond of. As they sing on ‘Bunk Anthem’, “Don’t stop/Gonna make you stand up/Try to make it to the top/ Don’t give it up!”
band indie ini sudah menjadi favourite saya bila saya mendengar lagu Situasi dan Silly Lily..
bila tahu diaorang pon minat sum 41 dan Paramore!! ..adesss!..
this is my fav indie band..
dengar je diaorang nyanyi lagu sum 41 bertajuk Makes No Different tu..aduhai!!..
suara Sam mcm suara Deryck Whibely vokalis sum 41 merangkap suami Avril Lavigne!!..
jatuh cinta sudah dengan mereka..
gotta buy their CD on the title Lesson of the Season!
ini post yang ke 41 dalam blog ini!!..
terima kasih maryam!!..hehehehe
[01] Real name:
Farah Abd. Rahman
[02] Nickname:
[03] Status:
single and available..hahaha
[04] Zodiac Sign:
[05] Gender:
[06] Age:
14 tahun 10 bulan 29 hari
[07] High School:
freshies high school
eh..terberangan pulak..SMKA Tok Jiring lol..
[08] Collage :
next becoming 2 years lol
[09] Height:
154 tau2 je baru ps ukur..
[10] Weight:
55 kg..berat lol!!..argkh tidak!!
nie pon baru timbang
[11] Do you like yourself:
totally i like..but not my weight!!
[12] Piercings:
thats my trademark!..hahaha
[13] Right or left:
[14] Are you a freak :
yes I am..I was a freaky person..
[15] Hair :
black eyed peas
[16] Skin :
da xberape nk putih cm dulu dh..sbb naik beskal tiap2 hari!
[17] Allergic :
tak boleh makan sotong sebab resdung..
tak boleh makan makanan bercili..nnti lidah akan gatal..
tak boleh kena gigit nyamuk..kalau tak akan jd kudis kecik!
[18] What are you doing now :
[19] What will you doing 1 hour later :
mandi pagi ok.
[20] What will you doing 10 years later :
menjadi seorang interrior designer yang berjaya dan sedang menjalani latihan untuk menjadi angkasawan
[21] Live with mother/father/parents/family :
with my parents
[22] Siblings(included you) :
[23] Eldest :
Safura Abd. Rahman
[24] Youngest :
Farah Abd. Rahman
[25] Love/hate your family :
love . life . laugh
love them damn much
[26] You found your another half :
tak tahu pon akan ter-fall in love with him
[27] If yes, who is he/she :
hanya syahir yang mengetahuinya
[28] Who you wants he/she to be?
hati kata "nak!!"
otak kata "its illogical"
[29] Time(s) you in relationship :
sehari selepas bfday abahku~
[30] Ever woo boy/girl :
[31] Anyone woo you before :
yup!..biasela tu kan
[32] Did anything wrong to your other half :
[33] What was/were the wrong you had done :
mencintai dia..
[34] Ever argue with your other half :
[35] You with your other half since :
[36] Are you straight/lesbo :
ape punye soalan nie..straight foward la..
ape kes nk lesbo-lesbo nie
[37] Reasons you love your other half :
his smile :)
[38] You and your other half in which stage :
stage dlm Dewan Abbas
[39] You woo he/she or he/she woo you :
x normal je kalau dia tu woo orang
[40] Ever think of marry he/she :
[41] Your first best friend :
namanya Nadia dess
[42] Your first enemy :
lipas terbang di dapur..
[43] The friends you love the most :
tak boleh nak cakap la
[44] The enemy you hate the most(1only) :
Hafizatul Rushda bt Mansor!!
[45] Your most beautiful girl friend :
tade..kalau saya cakap lawa anda cakap biasa2..
[46] Your most handsome boy friend :
wan zul dan ameer amirul
[47] The kind of girl you hate the most:
backstabber n snoobish
rasa diri tu lawa sangat dan memilih kawan
[48] The kind of boy you hate the most :
maki2 org
tade hormat perempuan
[49] You fall in love with your close friend before :
[50] Your best friend is your ex-lover :
nope..taste kita terhadap lelaki tak sama kan teefah..
[51] If your friend backstabbing you :
mungkin saya ada buat salah dgn dia..
[52] If your friend betray you :
stupid and crazy!!
[53] If your friend woo your lover :
"ape salah si dia?"
[54] If your friends fall in love with you :
"fikir elok-elok ye awak"
[55] If you fall in love with your best friend :
"erk..knape boley jd cmnie?"
[56] Are you a good student?
agak the teachers
[57] You always done your homeworks/assignments : ade gk meminjam sistem komputer iaitu Copy n Paste kemudian Save
tekan ctrl+C utk copy..selepas itu tekan ctrl+V utk paste..hehehe
[58] The teacher/tutor you love the most :
teacher Rowena n teacher BI dekat tusyen
[59] Always late to school/college :
ask her..
[60] Your class :
SK Tengku Ampuan Mariam
1 Mariam , 2 Mariam , 3 Mariam , 4 Mariam , 5 Mariam , 6 Mariam
SMKA Tok Jiring
1 Al-Ikhlas , 2 A'ali-Imran , 3 As-Saff
[61] You love your seniors :
ade la jugak
[62] Senior who you love the most :
Salman,Syahir n him
[63] Your classmates good/bad :
[64] Excellent result classmate :
Aina n Ilia
[65] Laziest classmate :
frankly speaking..Azrol
[66] Smart people :
always thinking smartly
[67] Stupid people?
[68] Good looking people :
[69] Ugly people :
not bad lol..they're still human being
[70] Funny people :
lol - lots of laugh
[71] Cute people :
[72] Bad people :
[73] Honest people :
[74] Acting people :
full with hypocrisy
[75] You are what kind of people :
[76] Lip or eyes :
[77] Hugs or kisses :
both can give us pelik je ayat
[78] Shorter or taller :
taller dess
[79] Hesitant or spontaneous :
spontaneous in the hesitant
[80] Nice stomach or nice arms :
better nice arms..
coz i want to lying next to you
[81] Listener or talker :
listen and talk
[82] Romantic or rich :
both of that is better
[83] Good husband or Good Father :
suami yang baik biasanya akan menjadi ayah yang baik
[84] Age to get marry :
25 kot..
[85] Numbers of kid(s) :
4 is better
[86] Career :
tetap : an astronaut and an interrior designer
sambilan : photographer
[87] Salary :
RM 41,000..still 41 yeah!!
[88] Retirement age :
bila da cukup had umur la..
[89] Properties value :
[90] Wishes :
semoga diriku mencapai apa yang ingin dihadapi
dan dapat menempuhi segala cabaran dan dugaan dengan hati yang tabah
dengan ini ku ingin mengetag abg MUHAMMAD aka $pitFire..hehehe..nah!..nak sangat kena tag..hehehe
November 16, 2008
maryam's best tag!! :P

1) nama penuh?
Farah Abd. Rahman
2) alamat sekolah?
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama Tok Jiring,
21060 Kuala Terengganu,Terengganu Darul Iman sekali 09-6670130
3) pernah ada relationship ngan sape2??
pernah..ada la 2kali kot..
4) warna kesukaan?
purple,red,choc n black
5) ciri2 lelaki/perempuan idaman?
1. berperangai kuno
2. berimu,beriman dan beramal :D
3. kesopanan dan kesusilaan :)
4.pendiam pada zahirnya ;P
5. pendiam pada zahirnya ;P
6. pendiam pada zahirnya ;P
7. teguh kepada tiang agama :)
hahaha.. *tak tipu nih*
6)impian yang dari dulu sampai sekarang belum tercapai?
1. ingin memiliki bilik yang berwarna purple
2. memakai contact lens ;)
3. ku tidak rabun
4.memelihara iguana (sounds freaky..but..yes..i love them okey..)
7) latest girlfriend or boyfriend?
ramai lol..kawan lelaki n kawan perempuan yang latest..
8) tabiat yang x leh lupa/tinggalkan?
1. kalau mandi xsah kalau xsyampoo rambut dulu..
2. menghampiri laptop walaupun tak buka..itu sudah memadai drpd xtgk teros :)
3. sukar untuk tidur(I'm an insomnia person..)
9) perkara yang terbest pernah dilakukan dalam hidup?
1.baling kertas warna-warni dkt budak laki..
2.main kejar-kejar dgn iwan masa skolah rendah
3.lepaskan tension dengan round satu bandar kt dengan berjalan kaki!
10) sifat2 diri korang?
1. happy makes lucky kot..
2. aku suke nyanyi lol..
3. pendengar yang setia
4. pemerhati yang baik
5. luahkan apa-apa sahaja jika tidak berpuas hati..jangan simpan dalam hati..nanti jadi daki(bak kata DJ dkt X-fresh)
11) sifat2 orang yang tag korang??hak3 silap..must be..
12) status sekarang?
single..but not to nie mengarot sngt?
13) nickname?
kefArahan?~~pakatan bertiga!!
14) what do you most like about yourself??
perangai-xmudah mengalah,happy makes lucky(farah=kegirangan)
myself - mata
15) ada benda2 yang buatkan korang trauma??
trauma?..masa kecik-kecik lepas mandi ada lipas merayap-rayap dkt belakang badan..
menages bagai nak rak masa tu :(
and sampai skarang kalau tengok lipas mesti akan menjerit!!
16) the best damn thing that you like to do?
1. menghargai orang di sekeliling..
2. menjadikan kertas sebagai mangsa ketidakpuasan hati..
selalu aja conteng-conteng or lukis pape kalau xpuas hati..
17) adik beradik berape orang?
dad + 1st wife
- kak fura
- abang is
- abang jat
mom with her ex-husband
- along
- akak
- kak linda
dad + mom
so..belah ayah sahaja ada 4..belah mak sahaja pon 4..
campur sume-sume jadi 7..
tapi kalau satu mak,satu ayah aku anak tunggal!!!
18) harapan untuk orang yang tag korang?
1. semoga anda berjaya mencapai apa yang dihajati dalam hidup
2. menjadi anak solehah
3. mendorong orang lain ke arah jalan yang benar
4. mendapat result pmr yang comel
19) gender??
female ok..
20) age?
14 tahun 10 bulan 27 hari
lagi 1 bulan 4 hari nak masuk 15 tahun
erk..rasa nak post wishes birthday la pulak..hurm....
november sape ada eek?..hehehe
jap,jap nak list..
1. 4 november - Sha n Ecah
2. 8 november - Ameer Amirul
3. 16 november - kak aka Fatin Umairah
4. 22 november - Kak Ain n Najmi
5. 28 november - Irosh
6. 30 november - syafiq no0b..
wah!..lapan org sumenye yang sy knl dan ingat menyambut birthday dlm bulan november ye..
November 15, 2008
cik-cik tagged yang hensem ;P
Rules of the game
* Choose a singer/band/group.
* Answer using ONLY titles of songs by that singer/band/group.
SUM 41
1. Are you male or female? = All She's Got
2. Describe yourself. = All Messed Up & Confusion and Frustaration In Modern Times
3. What do people feel when they're around you? = Angel with Dirty Faces & Hyper-Insomnia-para-chonroid
4. How would you describe your previous relationship? = I'm Not The One
5. Describe your current relationship. = Still Waiting
6. Where would you want to be now? = My Direction
7. How do you feel about love? = Heart Attack & Best of Me
8. What's your life like? = Another Things Comin' & Another Times Around
9. What would you ask for if you had only one wish? = Look At Me
10. Say something wise. = With Me
ku ingin mengetagged pakatan bertigaku cik daun..cik sarah tnggu dlu~..hehehehe
second cik tag dtg drpd kak farah aka budak jb..
jangan risau..anda tidak akan ditagged olehku
1.aiman ariff
6.kakak LUSM ku aka akak cina sepet!! p/s i <3>
If no.7 and no.10 be together, would it be a good thing? sweet..i wish they would be!
How about no.5 and 8?
Where is number 1 studying?
When was the last time you have chat with them?
2. masa reunion jgk
3. 2hari yang lalu
4. same with no.3
6. lama xcall..sorry ye akak..
adikmu ini sentiasa mengbusykan dirinya..hehe..
7. just now..luahkan kesedihanku
8. same with no.3,4 n 5
9. entahla..xingt dah..
10. last skali masa dy call la..
Is number 4 a single?
Talk something about no. 2?
yg ke-3 sama aja dgn yg atas..oleh cik alia
1. mie
2. abah
3. akak
4. hazirah
5. kak linda
6. kak E
7. kak long
8. abang hafiz
9. adik N
10.abang mie
If no.7 and no.10 be together, would it be a good thing?
yup..the've married and got 2 daughter and one becoming child..again
How about no.5 and 8?
Where is number 1 studying?
When was the last time you have chat with them?
Is number 4 a single?
totally..she just a little niece lol..
Talk something about no. 2?
he is my lovely father..i love you till die..u mean so much and i'll fix all that i've done..
satu lg drpd cik syamim kacak..
1.Cik Lela hensem
2. miss Aliyana
3. kak azz
4. faiz
5. ruz
6. syakir
7. abg Muhammad
8. fatin
9. encik Bact yang cute!
10. zack
Who is no.2 having relationship with?
erk..entah..huhu..frankly i dont know
Is no.3 a female or a male?
If no.7 and no.10 be together, would it be a good thing?
abg muhammad and encik zack?..xkan mungkin!..kenal pon x..
How about no.5 and 8?
just cikgu and anak murid kot..
Where is number 1 studying?
SMKA Tok Jiring..
When was the last time you have chat with them?
didn't have any idea about this..
Is number 4 a single?
entah..tnye la dy sndri..ku tidak bertanggungjawab
Talk something about no. 2?
kak yana..huhu..very nice senior..not like others..frankly speaking..
akhirnye siap cik-cik tagged ini..adehh..lengus sih..4 tagged dlm satu hari..
dengan ini ku mengisytiharkan ku xnk tag sape-sape pon!!..huaaa!!..insaf,insaf!!.. ;(
nama-nama yang di bold xada kena mengena pon..just an art!
November 14, 2008
something ;P

one more mandi!! lama-lama
2) paramore - crushcrushcrush
3) secondhand serenade - your call
4) avril lavigne - the best damn thing
5) david archuleta - crush
6) sum41 - with me
8) jonas brothers - sorry
9) seconhand serenade - fall for you
10) basshunter - now you're gone
12) ST 12 - PUSPA (PUtuskan Saja PAcarmu)
13) anima - bintang
14) shiela on 7 - bila kau tak disampingku
15) romance - ku ingin kamu
16) the radios - kerna aku jauh
17) shiela on 7 - betapa
18) ulla meriez & anton - masih saling mencinta
19) ada band - senandung lagu cinta
20) muse - unintended