May 8, 2009

may 2009

oh no!.
i dont want it happend!
but it still will metter what it is.

mid year exam will come!
this Monday,11th May 2009
huaaaa!!! *crying*

oh sifu!.please help me!.
i feel like an idiot person right now!

Monday - 11 May
- Bahasa Melayu 1
- Bahasa Melayu 2

Tuesday - 12 May
- English 1
- English 2

Wednesday - 13 May
- History 1
- History 2

Thursday - 14 May
- Chemistry 1
- Chemistry 2
- Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesihatan

Monday - 18 May
- Modern Mathematics 1
- Modern Mathematics 2
- Sivik

Tuesday 19 May
- Physics 1
- Physic 2

Wednesday 20 May
- Bahasa Arab Tinggi 1
- Bahasa Arab Tinggi 2
- Additional Mathematics 2

Thursday 21 May
- kita orang tak exam arini. but budak-budak sn iktisas,pure science and LK exam oke!

Sunday 24 May
- Chemistry 3
- Pendidikan Syariah Islamiah 2

Monday 25 May
- Prinsip Perakaunan

Tuesday 26 May
- Additional Mathematics 1
- Pendidikan Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah
- Physics 3

Wednesday 27 May
- Pendidikan Syariah Islamiah 1

what the heck we having PJK n Sivik?
oh ye.lupa lak.
Tok Jiring ingin melahirkan pelajar bijaksana yang cergas dan bersivik.

why I wrote the exam time table here?
ketekanan perasaan!!!
oh sifu.please help me.huarkh!!!!

this exam nk streaming balek
oh no!.tak sanggup nak turun kelas Nur.
uwa!.nk kekal kat kelas Imran
and xsanggup kalau gang2 tuh turun kelas!.
naik dak2 laki kelas nur sumenye.
huh.tak nak cakap la ayat Aqilah cakap tuh.

so then. i'll not on9-ing for 3 weeks
but if i'm on9-ing its means kestressan menjawab soalan la tuh
nie kestressan membaca tuka lyts kejap.

oke then.
wish me best of luck.
nak pegi study dlu.
0ff9 for 3 weeks.

oh btw.

Happy Belated Birthday to Syakir
-6th May

Happy Mothers Day this 1oth May 2009
-untuk mama alia.mothers day were celebrate on the second sunday of may every year.

Hari Jururawat
-12th May

Happy Teachers Day
- 16th May

Happy 63's Birthday to my father
- 25th May

Offspring - Kristy, Are You Doing Okay?

There's a moment in time
And it's stuck in my mind
Way back, when we were just kids

Cause your eyes told the tale
Of an act of betrayal
I knew that somebody did

Oh, waves of time
Seem to wash away
The scenes of our crimes
But for you this never ends

Can you stay strong?
Can you go on?
Kristy are you doing okay?
A rose that won't bloom
Winter's kept you
Don't waste your whole life trying
To get back what was taken away

Though the marks on your dress
Had been neatly repressed
I knew that something was wrong
And I should have spoke out
And I'm so sorry now
I didn't know
Cause we were so young

Oh, clouds of time
Seem to rain on
Innocence left behind
And it never goes away


aLia said...

thx anakku
love yaa
em, knape xde hari anak2 eh?
love u always ;)

Farah Zoey said...

mybe xde orang nak hargai kott
anak bukannya seorang kebiasaannya

Dr.azizi said...

farah!!! do your BEST exam nih!!!
sifu caye ABS can do it!!.
layout ni comel lagi~ byk guh name sifu xP best guh..terharu.. thankies!~~

sygs ABS,


Farah Zoey said...


nk kena score betul2 nih.
sifu percaya ABS,Abs akan percaya kepada diri sendiri

btw thanks sifu~

love u too!

IelaJunsu said...

2 kali jer padahal =,=

kak farah
do your best!
your sifu n i will rooting for you~
((btul dop au ayat o XD ))

Farah Zoey said...

english nih tibai je
mcm ar susah ngat.
bru kte terbisa

kfrh tgh tekang2 post kot eng la
cm post nih.hahahaa