September 30, 2009
today? muahahaha!
September 27, 2009
dah cikgu mesyuarat,
September 26, 2009
Fasting and Eid Day :)

the first one
You stand out in a crowd
You make the best of every situation
Correct me if I’m wrong
You’re fragile and you’re strong
A beautiful and perfect combination yeah
September 24, 2009
September, 24 2009
September 21, 2009
thanks dear for being a good friend to me
thanks for being such a gentleman
i love you more than what I'd realized
thanks for the call dear,
farah ingat nak luah apa yang farah risaukan masa tu,
tapi tersekat pulak. gembira sangat dapat dengar suara awak ye.
thanks for everything
thanks for being my only one
thanks for landing your shoulder to me
thanks for all your concern
thanks for being with me always (i'll be with you always) - your words
thanks for always make me happy
thanks for all what you've done to me
thanks for all the memories (:
i want you to know something,
I Hate Myself More Than Anyone Else Who Hate Me
suara Mr. Pretty handsome lah. hehehehe :D
suara budak adorable nih tak comel pon okay! :P
If you stay then I won't go
If you go, I'll always be there
I don't care
1- Avenged Sevenfold - Dear God
2- Plain White T's - 1,2,3,4
3- Bon Jovi - Always
4- Sum41 - Always
5- and many more :)
i love you dear :)
September 20, 2009
its been a while now
September 17, 2009
duit raya pertama
September 13, 2009
heyy kamu.ya kamu,
September 12, 2009
aku terlanggar kasut sekolah sebab aku perasan cantik
Januari-------Aku cinta
Februari------Aku gigit
Mac--------Aku belasah
April----------Aku peluk
Mei----------Aku sepak
Jun----------Aku terkentot depan
Julai-----------Aku menari dengan
Ogos--------Aku pergi dating dengan
September----Aku lambai dekat
Oktober-------Aku muntah depan
November-----Aku jerit dekat
Disember-----Aku terlanggar
Pilih hari (nombor) kau lahir:
1-------mak aku
2-------komputer aku
3-------kereta jiran aku
7-------henfon aku
8-------kawan baik aku
14-------patung barbie
16-------makcik aku
19-------makcik kantin
20-------kasut sekolah
21-------upin dan ipin
22-------Siti Nurhaliza
24-------Christiano Ronaldo
25-------buku teks
26-------kawan aku
29-------orang gila
30-------taylor swift
31-------awek cun
Pilih warna baju yang kau pakai:
Putih---------sebab aku perasan cantik
Hitam---------sebab aku gila
Pink-----------sebab aku suka single
Merah-----------sebab mak aku suruh
Biru-----------sebab aku tak tahan
Hijau---------sebab aku baik hati
Ungu---------sebab aku semangat
Kelabu----------sebab bomoh suruh
Kuning--------sebab aku dalam pertandingan
Oren--------sebab aku sakit hati
Coklat---------sebab aku tak tentu arah
Lain-lain----------sebab aku fikir aku hebat
campurkan kesemua ayat kau pilih tadi.
September 11, 2009
September 9, 2009
happy birthday to you :D
September 8, 2009
melting aren't easy
September 7, 2009
i dont know what i'm thinking
dear god,the only thing I ask of you is to hold her when I'm not around, when I much to far away~