September 7, 2009

i dont know what i'm thinking

oh please everybody
I dont know what I'm thinking
I think I'm crazy

my mind full with problems
and now asyraf said that we gonna have an exam next week
the laplantai(maryam i guess) said it too!

what the heck!
sehari aku dah tak datang sekolah dah jadi macam nie??
you better watch out farah!
yeah! i know on my older post i'd said that dah tak sabar nak exam
but not when my head is miserable with all that thingyy
nasib bukan final exam lagi!
nasib jugak satu subjek satu paper aje,
bajet macam mini exam je cikgu nih
abis sume jadi mini
agaknye kalo kertas tu makin boleh kecik, dia lagi minikan!

asyraf said that our chemistry subject just chapter 5 and 6
oh thanks god cause I did very well in that chapter
I love chapter 5 and 6 and I do love half equation and electrolysis very much!
orang lain mesti dah pening sume sebab chapter 5 and 6 tuh
but for me itu yang senang kot

then for PQS we will just examing the hukum tajwid and ulum quran

but that just only two
the other rest??

kau jangan nak mengada-ngada farah,
kau tu skolah agame
SMKA tu untuk ARAB
pelik2 jela kau nih farah

dear god,the only thing I ask of you is to hold her when I'm not around, when I much to far away~

oh please Allah,
give me stronger,
please hold me
and he ask YOU to hold me too!

disebabkan geram sangat
nak lepaskan sume kat sini dengan gambar menggedik sume2 nih
keje yang aku buat kebelakangan nih


Mohd Ariff Yaakub said...

Bertukar jadi doraemon kejap.
" Pensel Menjawab Soalan! "

Pensel ni boleh jawab semua soalan dgn mudah. Letak je kat kertas jawapan & dia tulis sendiri nnti. Ahaha.

Farah Zoey said...

kalaulah ada pensel tu